Forums - Gaurd Break Heven Show all 32 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Gaurd Break Heven ( Posted by Onslaught2000 on 02:20:2001 11:05 PM: I put this little page here for people who are looking for gaurd breaks. I'll try to find one for at least with every character (w/ or w/out assist). If you know of any gaurd breaks then feel free to post. I can post ony once a day so i'll try my best to put up as many as possible, as quick as possible! Posted by Jinmaster on 02:21:2001 03:16 AM: I'm not positive, but there should be an article here in SRK that has a lot of gaurdbreaks listed in it. Anyhow, off the top of my head: Assists that cuase guard break: Cyclops AAA and several other AAA's Dhalsim-B Characters Gaurdbreaks BH: Fierce thunder XX HOD Cable: J.fierce, AHVB Doom: J.jab, land, roundhouse launcher Storm: SJ. jab, air dash forward, lightning attack, super. Commando: Mac the knife, fierce flame(close), XX Captain sword Sentinel: Short drones angled upward, C.fierce, rocketpunch, XX hyper-sentinel-force Strider: Bird, XX Uro, throw rings, teleport. Megaman: Rockball or jumping buster.. charged or uncharged, launch or whatever Spiral: Circle-knife XX metamorph, wait for last knife, J.grab or Cirlce-knife, launch or DP-throw. That's off the top of my head. Posted by Jonstar! on 02:21:2001 03:43 AM: I have a qusetion bout gurad breaks. For cable, when do you know when to jump and shoot? Posted by DeadlyRaveNeo on 02:21:2001 07:49 AM: quote: Originally posted by Jonstar!: I have a qusetion bout gurad breaks. For cable, when do you know when to jump and shoot? You shoot at about a second or something, practice it and you'll get used to it eventually, when I do it now, the character isn't even completely visible on screen. Posted by DirkxDiggler3x on 02:21:2001 07:58 AM: For cable, count about 1 1/2 seconds after they hit the ground then shoot the gun at cables highest peak in a normal jump and you should guard break them Posted by mvsc2 maniac on 02:21:2001 08:23 AM: can u help me out with storm, sentinel and blackheart gaurd break and stategy Posted by DrunkinB on 02:21:2001 08:37 AM: Other guardbreaks are in this artical here: Posted by ACE on 02:21:2001 10:15 AM: juggernaut:J.HK land headcrush Ken: air hurricane kick lad LP,MP vertical dragon super\ jill:call bird launch with C.HP aircombo to rush super Ironman:J.HK jump again and and[ LP,MP,LK,UPward HP reapeat from [. when they get to low launch with HK and air combo thanks to psychosquall Posted by Onslaught2000 on 02:21:2001 11:24 PM: Sentinal: after oppenent is ko'ed dash jump then hard punch wait for about a second then light punch rocket punch Blackheart: after oppenent is ko'ed while there in the corner hard punch demons then either 1) launcher or 2) inferno to heart of darkness Storm: after oppenent is ko'ed vertical typhoon then either 1) launcher or 2)lighting attack to lighting storm!!! Posted by Trunks on 02:22:2001 04:59 AM: Can you explain to me how guard breaks work? I tried to understand the article in SRK, but i get lost. I have a picture in my head of how it is like(tag Cable in, AHVB) but i dunno if it's right. Posted by mvsc2 maniac on 02:22:2001 08:38 AM: can i do vertical typhoon to hail storm instead? Posted by Nate X Grey on 02:22:2001 10:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by mvsc2 maniac: can i do vertical typhoon to hail storm instead? It should work. But I guess the timing's gonna be hard. But nonetherless, if you can get the timing down I think only Cable will be able to get outta it. As for how the guardbreak with Cable looks like. Its basically your Cable doing a j.hp and hitting your opponent with that hp the moment their character jumps onto the screen. You'll then land earlier than them regardless of if they got hit or not, then if they got hit, AHVB immediately. If they blocked it, do the same tiger knee motion but wait a little before hitting the 2 punches for a guardbreak. In summery, its opponents character dies while your Cable is on screen. Your Cable jumps and shoots a hp gun. Opponent blocks the gunshot as soon as his next character jumps onto screen. Cable lands. Opponent is falling down and Cable AHVBs him after the block stun. DefiNATEly NOT Cable... Posted by Voodoo on 02:22:2001 06:32 PM: quote: Originally posted by Trunks: Can you explain to me how guard breaks work? I tried to understand the article in SRK, but i get lost. I have a picture in my head of how it is like(tag Cable in, AHVB) but i dunno if it's right. Ok to sum it up. When you do a normal jump you are only allowed to do a certain number of things while you're in the air. For example, you can do one special move, or go into the blocking motion once. If you kill off one of your opponent's guys, and the next person comes's considered a regular jump. Let's say you're using cable, because his guard break is easy. He kills someone, next character is about to pop in. You do j.fierce (gunshot). Not wanting to get hit, your opponent blocks (goes into blocking animation). You land, and they drop to the ground fast. Once your opponent blocks, they can't do *anything* once they come out of the blocking animation. So once you do the j.fierce, opponent blocks, you have a split second to do a move that will hit them. With cable - you'd probably want it to be tiger knee AHVB. It's fast, and you can chain. If your opponent blocks the fierce, there is nothing they do. If you do the j.fierce, and AHVB too fast, your opponent will still be able to block - because they never left the animation. The key is to wait for them to stop blocking (and fall) and then nail em with a fast move. ~v00 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The true secret of giving advice is, after you have honestly given it, to be perfectly indifferent whether it is taken or not, and never persist in trying to set people right. Posted by Trunks on 02:23:2001 12:52 AM: Ok,I kinda get it now. I have to see it for myself to fully understand it though. Posted by MarkyMark on 02:23:2001 01:52 AM: Strider... Bird... d.HP into aerial rave. Simple . Mark Ryan Sallee Posted by DeathFromAbove on 02:23:2001 02:29 AM: For Blackheart: (1) Inferno XX H.O.D. Throw the Inferno Early, it stays out there a while. The timing is difficult, and you won't be able to do this if there was a flying screen effect on the move you killed the last character with. As a plus, if the Inferno his, the HOD will too. (2) Jumping Jab, land, Jab, Strong XX Armageddon. (Corner Only) (3) Jumping Fierce, land, Judgment Day. Jump earlier than you would for the jab: the demons stay out there a while. If done in the corner, all the demons connect for about half a bar worth of damage. At the end hit fierce and call an assist and you can keep the opponent trapped in the corner. Because I'm never wrong, -DFA Posted by Onslaught2000 on 02:24:2001 03:07 AM: Spider-man: After your oppenent is ko'ed, go to the corner of the screen (your oppenents not yours) and shoot a hard punch web shoot (half circle back) then you can either 1) launcher or 2) ultimate web throw. If you wish to preform the UWT then you MUST preform the motion EXCATLY after you do the Web throw. Venom: Preety much the same setup w/ Spider-Man except you can only do the launcher. Maybe you can do a Venom Web but i haven't been able to pull it off yet. If i can though i'll let ya guys know. Cable: I recently found a new form of gaurd break w/ cable however it's not really effective but it's perfect to takke the neccessary life two to three precent away to your oppenent. It goes like this, if you and your oppenent just do a normal jump and you pull off a AHVB. Now if he/she happens to block and your beam is at it's high peak, then really really fast pull the beam down and mash like crazy. If you are successful your beam should lower to a point to where your oppenent will ACUTTALY lose thier block stun and get hit by the beam, at that point STOP MASHING realise the stick and let the beam do it's work. It does not take much like i mentiond earlier but if you are trying to just trying chip a little health left it's perfect stratgey. Well i hope this helps those people who are looking for gaurd break ideas and as soon as i find some more i'll let ya guys know. -TBS!- Posted by Jinmaster on 02:24:2001 03:26 AM: Onslaught2000, are you AHVBing right off the ground, or do you normal jump and do it? If so, at what point in your jump? Posted by TS on 02:24:2001 04:20 AM: You can Guard Break with Ryu's Shinkuu Tatsumaki (hurricane kick super), though I'm not sure if you can repeat it afterwards like in that one Mike Z video...I'll have to try that out. Anyway, Family Roundhouse beats it cleanly (jumping roundhouse with Cable or Cyke), so you'd probably have to throw up some kind of AAA beforehand. Also, according to some guy in the General Games Discussion forum, Sublimation into flame ball super works as a Guard Break for Ruby Heart. Posted by Onslaught2000 on 02:24:2001 04:20 AM: quote: Originally posted by Jinmaster: Onslaught2000, are you AHVBing right off the ground, or do you normal jump and do it? If so, at what point in your jump? Well it's should be done JUST BEFORE the peak of your jump. The reason for this is because the person you are fighting should be higher than you for the best result! -TBS!- Posted by Onslaught2000 on 02:24:2001 04:47 AM: Alright got new one for iron man/war machine and Shuma-goarth(YES) Iron man/war machine: Alright, the timing on this one is a bit tricky but after you do it a few times it gets really easy. After your oppenent is ko'ed, (once agian your oppenent MUST be in the corner to work, but i'm trying to find ones with out having to be in the corner ) Before the dead character starts to flash jump forward, holdup forward and push hard punch. Now if you did the action correctly your oppenent will be hit by the laser that comes form these two fighters. Now wait for about half a second (or if you have a real kien eye wait till you see your oppenent go out of block stun). So you can do either 1) launcher 2) repultur blaster to proton cannon or 3) THE INFINTE . However, on step two if you are using war machine I personally prefer doing repultur blaster to war destroyer cause the proton cannon will cause you to keep bouning off the missiles and do little to no damage. Shuma-goarth: Well the reason i did shuma at the same time is because the breaking the gaurd tatics are bassically the same (and because shuma's just one of the best ) So you jump forward then hold upforward then you can either 1) launcher or 2) hyper mystic smash. But wait, shuma has anothergaurd break (although it's not really a gaurd break ) when your oppenent is ko'ed acitvate the chaos dimision and when your oppenent is about to come out on screen just grab them with chaos dimision but it would'nt hurt to have someone assist shuma as well. I recommend blackhearts anti air assist. -TBS!- Posted by Onslaught2000 on 02:24:2001 12:56 PM: quote: Originally posted by Jinmaster: Onslaught2000, are you AHVBing right off the ground, or do you normal jump and do it? If so, at what point in your jump? Well, after several tries i found out that you CAN do this techniquge while you are on the ground, however your beam MUST be at the high point and your oppenent has to be on top of it. Then just follow the previvous stratgie as i mentioned ealier! Posted by Onslaught2000 on 02:26:2001 03:01 AM: quote: Originally posted by Onslaught2000: Maybe you can do a Venom Web but i haven't been able to pull it off yet. If i can though i'll let ya guys know.S!- OK i'm assuming that there is no way to pull off the vemon web after the gaurd break after pulling it off so many times any never seccending SORRY JILL: Just like striders gaurd break, after oppenent is ko'ed than you shoot a bird then you can do either 1) launcher or 2) Boozka or human fireball supers. More gaurd breaks on the way and i'm still trying to find more for cable that can setup for major combos Posted by WhiTe ReFlection on 02:26:2001 03:15 AM: i think guard Break is cheap even though i do it alot , i mean if u have 1 guy left and cable's waiting for u once u come out u get ahvb like 2 times and leaves u wif like quarter life left. i think that sux!! and whatz the point??? Posted by Unreallystic on 02:26:2001 09:27 AM: current favorite guard break guile and Magneto MAgneto in...dashes to corner, call Guile ASAP and then launch...oppenent dies, no matter the stamina...repeat Others, ryu: throw jab fireball near corner and prepare to either launch or shin sho ryu ken Sentinel: up rocket punch, launcher, in corner nasty follow up Megaman: charged mega buster right before they should come in, sets up anything you want including infinte I believe Ironman: up fierce in corner and continue the infinite Bison: upwarsd pyscho shot, super pyscho shot Cable: well timed grenade, 3AHVB, or for fun, in corner launch to immediate super jump and then AHVB, then EX to hail Blackheart: sj fierce. wait for oppenent to get hit by one and roundhouse xxinferno xx the super, (forgot which one) Other option, but more isky, armeggedon super a soon as the oppenent dies Tronne Bone: flying servebot, lunch rush super Servebot: same as above Pyslocke: straihgt ?projectile" and launch (requires timing) someon already did Captain cammando Roll/Megaman...use the power of the soccerball, but I haven't done anything nasty with it Spiral: ring of swords in corner, then time into either metamorphesis or air combo Marrow (theoritical): throw upward projectile, and try to launch afterwards, but I don't play her so I can't verify Cammy: her diagonal air kick, into roundhouse launcher...took practice...still not consistent and don't wokr on everyone Akuma: realy slow air fireball into vertical kick or air combo (the kick looks cool) Ken, still wokring on it, thinking hurricane kick into vertical super, but I haven't tried it Silver Samerai: lightning mode, perfectily timed shruiken, ramai ken Storm: missed it real early and air dash ove with lightning stike, and you should be able to launch, only have done it once The world exist without me? That's not fair! - Kuja FFIX Posted by ID on 02:26:2001 10:09 AM: quote: Originally posted by Onslaught2000: Alright got new one for iron man/war machine Scott A did this in the tourney video a while back. And, heres one with EVERYBODY, in the corner. Jumping jab land, launch into combo, or whatever. Corner guard breaks arent a big deal. maybe start listing some full screen ones? Posted by Onslaught2000 on 02:26:2001 11:02 AM: Opps, must have missed that iron man one so sorry. Been tryin' to find on screen ones but's it's kinda hard (especailly when people won't let me try stuff out) Posted by Terazon on 03:01:2001 02:23 AM: I found out one for Hulk. Worse yet it may even go into his infinite. 1]Kill/snapback a cornered foe 2]Jump at the new character as they fall in with 2lk and hold towards 4]Land and ducking hp 2 hit style. The best follow-ups [IMO] are... 1]Cancell into a vertical Gamma Charge off the 1st hit of the crouched hp, gamma charge redirect diagonally up towards opponent, repeat upwards Gamma Charges as I described indefinitely. [The infinite] 2]Gamma Quake X 2 3]Air combo [lp,2lk,hp,hk] I wouldn't mind knowing any other guardbreaks for Hulk. Any suggestions? Posted by Terazon on 03:01:2001 02:42 AM: With Hulk you can guardbreak. 1]snapback / kill a cornered victim 2]Jump and 2lk, guide yourself closer. 3]Land and low ducking hp one that would hit twice. Follow ups... 1]First hit cancelled to the infinite [Vertical gamma charge, diagnal redirect up towards, land, repeat] 2]Gamma Quakex2 3]Air Combo[lp,2lk,hp,hk] 4]Calling an assist that keeps the victim off the ground long enough to let you Gamma Crush them without fear of them mashing out of it. Thanks everyone for the Guardbreaks with Blackheart. I'm just learning him and they will probably help alot. Posted by TS on 03:01:2001 04:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by ID: And, heres one with EVERYBODY, in the corner. Jumping jab land, launch into combo, or whatever. Corner guard breaks arent a big deal. maybe start listing some full screen ones? That's only useful though if your character has good priority on their jump Jab...otherwise you'll be eating a Roundhouse from your opponent on their way down. Posted by Dasrik on 03:01:2001 04:19 AM: I know one guard break that hasn't been mentioned, but it's rough to do. Hulk can guard break with S.RH. The only problem is the only thing I've been able to do it into is gamma charge xx gamma quake, which means you have to hold back while doing the S.RH. it might be possible for a Gamma slam into something to work too, but I dunno... Posted by B_IzM on 03:01:2001 08:17 PM: Just wondering if anyone knows a Magneto Guard Break??? thanks. All times are GMT. The time now is 01:45 AM. 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